Programme of study will run through one academic year (approximately one calendar year duration) Participants of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) will follow twelve-course modules during the period of which all course
modules will be compulsory. Each course module will be of about 30 hours of teaching. The academic year comprises two terms. Twelve courses would be taught during this period. In addition, every participant should complete a project
report and submit the same at the end of the 2nd term of the Programme. MASTERS DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA)
This is the second academic year of the total Programme. The participants devote their fall time to complete management research under the guidance of supervisors appointed by the University. They may attend a series of advanced seminars and lectures organized by the Faculty of Business Studies & Finance.
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM)
Duration of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management Programme is
one year (12 months) Minimum period of study required of a candidate to complete the PGDBM Programme is one year (12 months) while the maximum period allowed is five years. Every candidate of the Programme is required to 3 earn a total of twenty-four (24) Credits through course modules including the project report during the period of Year One.
Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) (2nd Year)
Those who complete all the requirements of the PGDBM may be admitted to the 2nd year of the Programme which is the Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Selection of participants for the MBA Program will be based on merits and availability of placements. However, a limited number of participants will also be selected into the MBA Programme under the „Direct
Entrance‟ criteria*. Those who are selected into the Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) Programme must earn a total of sixteen (16) credits by following two taught courses (08 credits) and completing a comprehensive Research Thesis (08 credits)
The medium of Instruction is English

post graduate diploma in business management wayamba university